Printing “Hello World” with x86 NASM Assembly

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After playing a lot with ARM assembly I am starting to code a bit in x86 Assembly (especifically Linux NASM, so the AT&T syntax). Below you’ll find three basic programs to print “Hello World” and variations.

1. Using Syscall Write

.globl main

  movl $4, %eax
  movl $1, %ebx
  movl $string1,%ecx
  movl $20, %edx
  int $0x80

string1: .string "hello worldn"

2. Using Printf
.globl main
.extern printf

  pushl $string1
  call printf  
  popl %ebx

  movl $0, %eax
string1: .string "hello worldn"

3. Using Printf with Variables
.globl main
.extern printf

  movl $23, %ebx
  pushl %ebx
  pushl $string1
  call printf  
  addl $8, %esp  

  movl $0, %eax
string1: .string "hello %d  worldn"

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