IAS Assembler in C

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A couple of posts ago I started talking about the IAS architecture, mentioning that given its simplicity you can program it directly in machine code. That being said, any program slightly more complex will be painful to write in machine code. For instance, image how boring it would be if you needed to declare an array with 5000 elements, all initialized to the value 10.

That’s where assemblers come into play. Apart from translating from assembly language to machine code they also have directives you can use to make your job as a programmer much easier. Below you’ll find an assembler I created for the IAS architecture.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>

/* data structures to hold the labels and .set constants */
//holds the name
char labelTable[500][1000]; 
//holds the value and, in case of memory, the alignment
int addressTable[500][2]; 
//holds size of the stack
int tablePosition = 0; 

/* function that searchs and returns the value 
of a label/.set, aborts if it can't find one */
int labelToNumber(char *label, int line){
  int i;
      return addressTable[i][0];
  printf("--Valor de endereco ou rotulo invalido, linha %dn",line);
  return 0;

/* function that validates a number. Return 0 if non valid, 1 if decimal, 2 if hex, 3 if binary, 4 if octal */
int validateNumber(char *number){
  int i;
  int len = strlen(number);

  /* checks strings with up to 2 chars, which can only represent decimal numbers */
    return 0;
  else if(len==1){
      return 1;
      return 0;
  else if(len==2){
      return 1;
      return 0;
  /* string has >3 chars */
    /* checks if number is hex */
          return 0;
      return 2;
    /* checks if number is binary */
    else if(number[0]=='0'&&number[1]=='B'){
          return 0;
      return 3;
    /* checks if number is octal */
    else if(number[0]=='0'&&number[1]=='O'){
          return 0;
      return 4;
    /* number is decimal */
          return 0;
      return 1;

/* function that reads a memory address  or number as a string and return its converted decimal form, as an int */
int convertAddress(char *address, int lineCounter){
  int result;
  unsigned int value;
  int len,i;
  int base = 1;
  char newnumber[1000];
  if((result = validateNumber(address))){
    /* number is valid and decimal */
      return atoi(address);
    /* number is valid and binary */
    else if(result==3){
      value = 0;
      len = strlen(address);
      for (i=len-1;i>1;i--){
      return value;
    /* number is valid and hex */
    else if(result==2){
      return value;
    /* number is valid and octal */
    else if(result==4){    
      len = strlen(address);
        newnumber[i] = address[i+2];
      newnumber[i] = '';
      return value;
    printf("--Numero invalido na linha %dn",lineCounter);
  return 0;

/* function to retrieve a memory address (constant or label) and return its value as an int */
int getAddress(char *buffer2, int line){
  int memAddress;
  char newstring[1000];
  int i;
  int len;

  len = strlen(buffer2);

      newstring[i-2] = buffer2[i];
    newstring[len-3] = '';    

      memAddress = convertAddress(newstring, line);
      memAddress = labelToNumber(newstring, line);
    return memAddress;
    printf("--Endereco invalido na linha %dn",line);

/* function to treat directives during the first run (i.e., to build the address table) */
void treatDirectiveFirst(int *currentPos, int *right, char *buffer1, char *buffer2, int line){
  int memAddress;
  int start;
  int len;

  /* treats .org directive */
    memAddress = convertAddress(buffer2, line);
      printf("--A diretiva .org nao aceita numeros negativos, linha %dn",line);
      printf("--Endereco de memoria fora do limite, linha %dn",line);
    *currentPos = memAddress;
    *right = 0;
  /* treats .align directive */
  else if(!strcmp(buffer1,".ALIGN")){
    memAddress = convertAddress(buffer2, line);
      printf("--A diretiva .align nao aceita numeros negativos ou zero, linha %dn",line);
      start = *currentPos + 1;
      start = *currentPos;
      printf("--Endereco de memoria fora do limite, linha %dn",line);
    *currentPos = start;
    *right = 0;
  /* treats .word directive */
  else if(!strcmp(buffer1,".WORD")){
      printf("--A diretiva .word precisa de uma palavra de memoria alinhada a esquerda, linha %dn",line);
  /* treats .wfill directive */
  else if(!strcmp(buffer1,".WFILL")){
      printf("--A diretiva .wfill precisa de uma palavra de memoria alinhada a esquerda, linha %dn",line);
    len = strlen(buffer2);
      buffer2[len-1] = '';
      memAddress = convertAddress(buffer2, line);
        printf("--A diretiva .align nao aceita numeros negativos ou zero, linha %dn",line);
      *currentPos += memAddress;
      printf("--Erro de sintaxe da diretiva .wfill, linha %dn",line);
  /* treats .set directive */
  else if(!strcmp(buffer1,".SET")){
    printf("--Diretiva nao reconhecida, linha %dn",line);

/* function to treat directives during the second run (i.e., outputing code) */
void treatDirectiveSecond(int *currentPos, int *right, char *buffer1, char *buffer2, char *buffer3, FILE *file, int line){
  int memAddress;
  int value;
  int i;
  int len;
  int flag = 0;
  char newnumber[1000];
  int dif;

  /* treats .org directive */
    memAddress = convertAddress(buffer2, line);
      printf("--A diretiva .org nao aceita numeros negativos, linha %dn",line);
      printf("--Endereco de memoria fora do limite, linha %dn",line);
    *currentPos = memAddress;
    *right = 0;
  /* treats .align directive */
  else if(!strcmp(buffer1,".ALIGN")){
    memAddress = convertAddress(buffer2, line);
      printf("--A diretiva .align nao aceita numeros negativos ou zero, linha %dn",line);
      *right = 0;
      printf("--Endereco de memoria fora do limite, linha %dn",line);
  /* treats .word directive */
  else if(!strcmp(buffer1,".WORD")){
      printf("--A diretiva .word precisa de uma palavra de memoria alinhada a esquerda, linha %dn",line);
      /* check for hex number to output directly*/
        len = strlen(buffer2);
        dif = 12 - len;
          newnumber[i] = '0';
          newnumber[i+dif] = buffer2[i+2];
        newnumber[i+dif] = '';

        fprintf(file,"%03X %sn",*currentPos,newnumber);
      /* check for negative number */
        flag = 1;
        len = strlen(buffer2);
          buffer2[i] = buffer2[i+1];

        memAddress = convertAddress(buffer2, line);
        memAddress = labelToNumber(buffer2, line);  
        memAddress *= -1;
        fprintf(file,"%03X FF%Xn",*currentPos,memAddress);
        fprintf(file,"%03X %010Xn",*currentPos,memAddress);

  /* treats .wfill directive */
  else if(!strcmp(buffer1,".WFILL")){
      printf("--A diretiva .wfill precisa de uma palavra de memoria alinhada a esquerda, linha %dn",line);
    len = strlen(buffer2);
    buffer2[len-1] = '';
    memAddress = convertAddress(buffer2, line);
      printf("--A diretiva .align nao aceita numeros negativos ou zero, linha %dn",line);

      value = convertAddress(buffer3, line);
      value = labelToNumber(buffer3, line);

        fprintf(file,"%03X %010Xn",*currentPos,value);
        fprintf(file,"%03X FF%08Xn",*currentPos,value);
  /* treats .set directive */
  else if(!strcmp(buffer1,".SET")){
    printf("--Diretiva nao reconhecida, linha %dn",line);

/* function to check whether a label already exists at the label table */
int labelExists(char *label){
  int i;
      return 1;
  return 0;

/* function to find the position of a label, aborting if it can't find it */
int findLabel(char *label, int lineCounter){
  int i;
      return i;
  printf("--Rotulo nao encontrado, linha %dn",lineCounter);
  return 0;

/* function to transform a string to uppercase */
void stringToUpper(char *str){
  int size = strlen(str);
  int i;
    str[i] = toupper(str[i]);

/* function to validate label names */
int validateLabel(char *str){
  int i;
  int size = strlen(str);
  char c = str[0];

  /* verify first char */
    return 0;
  /* verify remaining chars */
    c = str[i];
      return 0;    
  return 1;

/* checks if a string is a valid instruction */
int validInstruction(char *opcode){
    return 1;
  else if(!strcmp(opcode,"LMQ")){
    return 1;
  else if(!strcmp(opcode,"LMQM")){
    return 1;
  else if(!strcmp(opcode,"LDN")){
    return 1;
  else if(!strcmp(opcode,"LDMOD")){
    return 1;
  else if(!strcmp(opcode,"ADD")){
    return 1;
  else if(!strcmp(opcode,"ADDMOD")){
    return 1;
  else if(!strcmp(opcode,"SUB")){
    return 1;
  else if(!strcmp(opcode,"SUBMOD")){
    return 1;
  else if(!strcmp(opcode,"MUL")){
    return 1;
  else if(!strcmp(opcode,"DIV")){
    return 1;
  else if(!strcmp(opcode,"LSH")){
    return 1;
  else if(!strcmp(opcode,"RSH")){
    return 1;
  else if(!strcmp(opcode,"ST")){
      return 1;
  else if(!strcmp(opcode,"STM")){
    return 1;
  else if(!strcmp(opcode,"JMP")){
    return 1;
  else if(!strcmp(opcode,"JMPP")){
      return 1;
    return 0;

/* interprets a statement and returns the respect opcode */
int interpretOpcode(char *opcode, char *address, int lineCounter){
  int position;
  char newstring[1000];
  int i;
  int len;

    return 1;
  else if(!strcmp(opcode,"LMQ")){
    return 10;
  else if(!strcmp(opcode,"LMQM")){
    return 9;
  else if(!strcmp(opcode,"LDN")){
    return 2;
  else if(!strcmp(opcode,"LDMOD")){
    return 3;
  else if(!strcmp(opcode,"ADD")){
    return 5;
  else if(!strcmp(opcode,"ADDMOD")){
    return 7;
  else if(!strcmp(opcode,"SUB")){
    return 6;
  else if(!strcmp(opcode,"SUBMOD")){
    return 8;
  else if(!strcmp(opcode,"MUL")){
    return 11;
  else if(!strcmp(opcode,"DIV")){
    return 12;
  else if(!strcmp(opcode,"LSH")){
    return 20;
  else if(!strcmp(opcode,"RSH")){
    return 21;
  else if(!strcmp(opcode,"ST")){
      return 33;
    len = strlen(address);

        newstring[i-2] = address[i];
      newstring[len-3] = '';

          return 18;
        position = findLabel(newstring, lineCounter);
          return 19;
          return 18;
      else if(!strcmp(opcode,"JMP")){
        position = findLabel(newstring, lineCounter);
          return 14;
          return 13;
      else if(!strcmp(opcode,"JMPP")){
        position = findLabel(newstring, lineCounter);
          return 16;
          return 15;
        return 0;
      return 0;
  return 0;

/* function to treat instructions during the second run (i.e., outputing code) */
void treatInstruction(char *opcode, char *address, int *currentPos, int *right, int lineCounter, FILE *file){
  int opcodeNum, addressNum;
  /* gets opcode */
  opcodeNum = interpretOpcode(opcode,address,lineCounter);

  /* gets mem address */
    addressNum = getAddress(address,lineCounter);
    addressNum = 0;

    *right = 0;
    fprintf(file,"%03X %02X%03X",*currentPos,opcodeNum,addressNum);
    *right = 1;


/*##################################### MAIN #########################################*/
int main(int argv, char **args){
  FILE *file1,*file2; //input and output files
  char stringBuffer[4000]; //char buffer to store input strings
  char firstBuffer[1000]; //char buffer to store input strings
  char secondBuffer[1000]; //char buffer to store input strings
  char thirdBuffer[1000]; //char buffer to store input strings
  char fourthBuffer[1000]; //char buffer to store input strings
  int bytesRead, totalBytesRead, firstToken, secondToken; //aux input variables
  int lineCounter; // holds current line at input file
  int currentPos; // holds current memory address
  int right; // holds alignment of current memory address
  int len; // auxiliary variable
  int i,cons; // auxiliary variable
  int flag; // auxiliary variable
  /* checks if input and output files are speficied */
    printf("--Numero de argumentos invalido. Forneca o nome do arquivo de input e de output como argumentos.n");
    return 1;

  /* open input and output files */
  file1 = fopen(args[1],"r");
  file2 = fopen(args[2],"w");

  /* ------first run through input file to build table of labels-addresses ----- */
  currentPos = 0;
  right = 0;
  lineCounter = 1;
    /* transform all chars to uppercase */

    totalBytesRead = 0;
    /* reads first token */
    firstToken = sscanf(stringBuffer,"%s%n",firstBuffer,&bytesRead);
    totalBytesRead += bytesRead;
      /* checks if comment */
      /* checks if label */
      len = strlen(firstBuffer);
        /* removes the : from the label */
        firstBuffer[len-1] = '';

        /* validates label */
          printf("--Rotulo invalido na linha %dn",lineCounter);
          return 1;
        /* store label and its address */
          printf("--Rotulo declarado pela segunda vez na linha %dn",lineCounter);
          return 1;
        addressTable[tablePosition][0] = currentPos;
        addressTable[tablePosition][1] = right;

        /* reads second token  */
        secondToken = sscanf(stringBuffer+totalBytesRead,"%s%n",secondBuffer,&bytesRead);
        totalBytesRead += bytesRead;

          /* check if directive */
            /* reads third token  */
            totalBytesRead += bytesRead;                          


            /* store .SET constant, if the case */
              flag = 0;
              /* validates .set name */
                printf("--Nome de diretiva .set invalido na linha %dn",lineCounter);
                return 1;
              /* reads fourth token  */
              totalBytesRead += bytesRead;

              /* check for negative number */
                flag = 1;
                len = strlen(fourthBuffer);
                  fourthBuffer[i] = fourthBuffer[i+1];
              cons = convertAddress(fourthBuffer,lineCounter);
              addressTable[tablePosition][0] = cons;
          /* check if instruction */
          else if(validInstruction(secondBuffer)){            
              right = 0;
              right = 1;
      /* checks if instruction */
      else if(validInstruction(firstBuffer)){
          right = 0;
          right = 1;
      /* checks if directive */
      else if(firstBuffer[0]=='.'){
        /* reads second token  */
        totalBytesRead += bytesRead;                          


        /* store .SET constant, if the case */
          flag = 0;
          /* reads third token  */
          totalBytesRead += bytesRead;

          /* check for negative number */
            flag = 1;
            len = strlen(thirdBuffer);
              thirdBuffer[i] = thirdBuffer[i+1];
          cons = convertAddress(thirdBuffer,lineCounter);
          addressTable[tablePosition][0] = cons;

  /* ------ second run through input file to output machine code to file2 ---------- */
  currentPos = 0;
  right = 0;
  lineCounter = 1;
    /* transform all chars to uppercase */

    totalBytesRead = 0;
    /* reads first token */
    firstToken = sscanf(stringBuffer,"%s%n",firstBuffer,&bytesRead);
    totalBytesRead += bytesRead;
      /* checks if comment */
      /* checks if label */
      len = strlen(firstBuffer);
        /* reads second token  */
        secondToken = sscanf(stringBuffer+totalBytesRead,"%s%n",secondBuffer,&bytesRead);
        totalBytesRead += bytesRead;

          /* check if directive */
            /* reads third token  */
            totalBytesRead += bytesRead;  
            /* reads fourth token  */
            totalBytesRead += bytesRead;                          

          /* check if instruction */
          else if(validInstruction(secondBuffer)){            
            /* reads third token  */
            totalBytesRead += bytesRead;

            treatInstruction(secondBuffer,thirdBuffer,&currentPos,&right,lineCounter, file2);            
      /* checks if directive */
      else if(firstBuffer[0]=='.'){
        /* reads second token  */
        totalBytesRead += bytesRead;  
        /* reads third token  */
        totalBytesRead += bytesRead;                          

      /* checks if instruction */
      else if(validInstruction(firstBuffer)){
        /* reads second token  */
        totalBytesRead += bytesRead;

        treatInstruction(firstBuffer,secondBuffer,&currentPos,&right,lineCounter, file2);
      /* syntax error */
        printf("--Erro de sintaxe na linha %dn",lineCounter);
        return 1;



  return 0;

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