List of Basic FFmpeg Commands

Lately I have been working on a hobby programming project that automatically converts text or web pages into videos. Many functionalities of the software come from an open source project called FFmpeg. It is great for working with video and images. Below you will find the commands and annotations I made over the past few […]

Event-Driven Programming with Node.js

Lately I have been playing a lot with Node.js and event-driven programming, and several ‘gotcha’ moments occurred. Below you’ll find of them. Event-Driven Programming: As the name implies, a programming paradigm where the flow of the program is governed by events. There is a main loop monitoring things and triggering the appropriate callbacks. Noje.js: Contrary […]

How to Deploy a Node.js App to Heroku

Below you’ll find the basic steps to deploy a Node.js (should apply to other languages and frameworks as well) on Heroku. It assumes you have Git and Heroku toolbelt installed. You can view a more detailed tutorial here. 1. Create the app locally (you can view a “Hello World” example here) 2. git init 3. […]

Git Basic Commands

Git is one of the most popular version control systems out there. Below you’ll find the basic commands you need to get started with it. Note: One important aspect to understand about Git is that it thinks about data as snapshots of files over time. Every commit will generate a new snapshot, that is independent […]

Facebook Webhook Integration Code in PHP

Many types of applications that interact with Facebook will need to use webhooks. Messenger chat bots are an example. If you follow Facebook’s setup guide, you’ll notice that the example provided to activate a webhook for the first time is in Node.js:   app.get('/webhook', function (req, res) {     if (req.query['hub.verify_token'] === 'YOUR_VERIFY_TOKEN') {       res.send(req.query['hub.challenge']);     } else […]

Modern JavaScript Development

It looks like JavaScript is taking the crown from Ruby for modern web development. I never used it in the backend, so I was curious to research about the libraries and frameworks that the cool kids are using these days. Here are some of them: node.js – event-driven runtime environment for developing server-side applications . […]